do you ask yourself:

who am i? what is my purpose?

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. -

فان يسوع المسيح قد جاء ليبحث عن الهالكين ويخلصهم. ـ 

 يسوع المسيح تعذب وصلب ومات وفي اليوم الثالث قام من الاموات. الله يريدنا ان نؤمن به من خلال ابنه الوحيد يسوع المسيح. اما الذين يمشون من الظلام الى النور المسيح يعطيهم حياة ابدية. ـ

Jesus the Messiah was crucified according to the scriptures, was buried and was raised from the dead after three days according to the scriptures—all of which happened within a short drive away! God invites everyone—no matter their religion, race or gender—to repent and come to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus the Messiah. Those who walk from darkness into the light are forever written on the palms of God's hands.

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